How to Get onboard With a Board Portal

About Board Portal

The primary purpose of a board portal is to make information accessible at all times and to ensure that it is easy for directors to comprehend what they are studying. Look for products that permit board members to complete their tasks and attend meetings anywhere with any device connected to internet. Consider the devices your directors use for day-to-day activities, and think about how easy it will be to get them up and running on these devices.

It’s not enough just to have the proper features. The user-friendliness will determine if the portal is actually utilized. Ask prospective providers how they manage the onboarding process for directors and board administrators and directors, which includes one-on-one training that takes into account their comfort level with technology. Make sure the provider has an app that can be used without wifi to access the board’s materials.

Having the right tools helps your board operate at its highest level and remain in control of your company and ensures that best governance practices are observed. Compared to paper and email, board portals provide the most efficient method of conducting business and can be relied on as the primary source of all information. They are able to maintain and enhance the cornerstones of good governance, like the schedule of meetings and attendance, and creating a central repository for documents and notes.

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